

014: modified Country Bumpkin (3.28.09)
wheat bread, pastrami, tomatoes, avocado, cheddar cheese, salt & vinegar potato chips, mayo, mustard
structural integrity: *
ingredients: 1/2
effectiveness: *
total: ***1/2

015: chicken salad (3.31.09)
Safeway kaiser roll, Safeway chicken salad
general: 1/2
structural integrity: *
effectiveness: *
total: **1/2

016: tuna (3.31.09)
white bread, chunk light tuna, Pace picante sauce, aged white cheddar cheese
structural integrity: *
effectiveness: 1/2
total: *1/2

017: chicken salad (4.1.09)
Safeway Select 15-grain bread, Safeway chicken salad
general: 1/2
structural integrity: *
effectiveness: *
total: **1/2

018: peanut butter and jelly (4..2.09)
Safeway Select 15-grain bread, Adams all-natural peanut butter, Safeway Select raspberry preserves
general: *
structural integrity: *
ingredients: 1/2
total: **1/2

019: peanut butter and jelly (4.3.09)
Safeway Select 15-grain bread, Adams all-natural peanut butter, Safeway Select raspberry preserves
general: *
structural integrity: *
effectiveness: *
total: ***

020: turkey (4.4.09)
Heidi’s ciabatta bread, turkey, tomatoes, lettuce, chipotle mayonnaise
general: *
structural integrity: *
ingredients: 1/2
total: **1/2

021: tuna (4.6.09)
Safeway Select 15-grain bread, chunk light tuna, Pace picante sauce
structural integrity: *
effectiveness: *
total: **

Note that 014 was made by my cousin, who works in a deli, and is in fact his specialty sandwich. It suffered from sub-standard bread (no fresh ciabatta here) and less-than-amazing cheese (plan old Kraft), but other than that it was truly an amazing sandwich. I've never had pastrami before, and I'm not entirely sure I like it enough to consume on a regular basis, but it was a nice departure from the usual poultry-based sandwich meat. I believe the addition of potato chips (salt and vinegar: not my favorite) is the 'modification' to the original Country Bumpkin. After that it has been something of a downhill ride in the sandwich department; I need to branch out, expand and all that. So I've made a list of sandwiches to try:

Reuben -- rye bread, corned beef, sauerkraut, swiss cheese and Thousand Island dressing. Honestly, I'm not very psyched on this sandwich. I do not like sauerkraut, and cured meats (especially corned beef) intimidate me, but this is a classic sandwich and I feel like I need to experience it at least once if I am to call myself a sandwich coneseuer.

Hell's Kitchen -- a Heidi's exclusive consisting of egg salad, bacon, tomatoes and avocado. Not a huge fan of bacon, and sometimes the thought of egg salad makes me gag, but the inclusion of avocado interests me.

Monte Cristo -- french toast, turkey, fruit preserves, mayple syrup, powdered sugar, cheese. Main course or desert, this sandwich scares me. The cacophany of ingredients seems over the top and mildly ridiculous, but the French know a thing or two about food, so I'll give it a go.

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